About Me

sargam's image

I am Sargam Poudel, a CS sophomore with a huge interest in technology.

Regardless of wherever I am right now, I was born and brought up in Bhadrapur, Jhapa, Nepal 🇳🇵

I wrote my first code after the lockdown in 2021, and since then, I've been very fascinated with doing this and even considering it as my profession.

Github is my favorite place to be. I do a lot of things there and contribute heavily to Open Source.

There are a few people who helped me get started writing code. I have a huge respect for them.

Now I've attained enough knowledge so that I can give back to the community. I really like helping others who are trying to get into this field.

Contact Me

Schedule a meet with me


I am also very active on twitter


I do check emails regulary

[email protected]

The place where I am most active at
